There are lots of easy ways to incorporate a little change
into your life. Mix up the décor
in your home. Try going to work a
different route. Change up your diet (perhaps go veggie for awhile to see how
you feel!) Change your electricity supplier to a green one to help save the earth (talk to me I'll tell you how!) Perhaps you could
change your morning ritual to include a meditation. Maybe incorporate a new healthy habit or release an old not
so healthy one. It doesn’t have to
be a big change, even little ones help us, and in turn those around us, to grow.
There’s change at Yoga with Tracy Von Kaenel as
well. The popular Aerial Yoga class
is moving to a new time, or shall I say ‘flying’ into a new time. It will now run from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. on
Mondays starting in January 2013.
Because it’s such a fun and energizing practice, this earlier time will
allow us to use that wonderful energy a little longer before it’s time to end
the day. As in the past, Aerial Yoga runs in 6-week sessions so you progress
safely and confidently. Why not
try something new in 2013?
Enrollment is now open.
Also, I’m excited to announce the addition of a new
class. ZEN YOGA. It will be held on Monday nights too,
from 7:30-8:30 p.m. It will be a
regular open level, ongoing class, so drop-ins are welcome. What’s ZEN YOGA you ask? Zen Yoga combines the deep
relaxation of classic Restorative Yoga and the deep stretching of Yin Yoga into
a beautiful practice that will soothe the body and soul. Deeply supported poses are held for a
longer time allowing for full release of the tensions stored in the physical
body. The atmosphere of the class
is soft and soothing allowing the mind to let go of the busy thoughts. A perfect practice for anyone wanting
to experience the sense of letting go and opening up into one’s true self. And it’s the perfect practice to lull
you into a good nights sleep as you let go of the daily stresses. No prior yoga experience necessary. ZEN
YOGA will also start in January 2013.
I encourage you to welcome the changing of the seasons, the
opportunity to make positive changes in your life and to look forward to the
growth from trying something new!
Om shanti!